Part 2- Chris, James, Sampreet – How to get a 250 on STEP 1

“I wanted to be the best”
-Chris Garrett
Congrats on all three interview guests for matching into residency today!
This episode is a little different in the fact that it is a super specific episode. In this episode we dive into the habits of high performing students. I interviewed 3 of my colleagues who have been able to perform in medical school well and have gotten over a 250 on their STEP 1 exam. For those of you that may not know, the STEP 1 exam is a required national exam needed in order to graduate from medical school.
It can be known as the “great equalizer” and if performed well on can open the gate to the specialty of your choice. If you don’t do as well, it can be an uphill battle to get into the more competitive specialties.
Interview Guests:
James (Identity private)- 4th year medical student who matched into Orthopaedic Surgery
Sampreet Reddy- 4th year medical student who matched into Dermatology
Chris Garrett- 4th year medical student who matched into Orthopaedic Surgery
In part 2 of this interview, we go into:
- STEP 1 scheduling
- Resources they used that made them succseeful
- How to stay motivated throughout med school
- Test taking tips